ࡱ> DFCa bjbjzz >2P\P\'8$D::"\\\]______$ J"\\WR\\]]\0CΌ'vI0   PQ > L:  ANNUAL IUOE PERFORMANCE REVIEW  EMPLOYEE'S NAME POSITION TITLE DEPARTMENT Physical Plant PRESENT PERIOD OF REVIEW FROM /  / TO / / METHODOLOGY THIS PERFORMANCE REVIEW IS TO BE HELD WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA OF OPENNESS, HONESTY, FAIRNESS AND RESPECT OF BOTH THE EMPLOYEE AND THE EMPLOYER. PROCESS 1: Supervisor, employee meets to discuss the upcoming review and suggestions for inclusion of topics to be discussed. 2: Supervisor to write up the review. (Review to remain in the Supervisors office) 3: Supervisor and employee to meet and discuss the review. (Review to remain in the Supervisors office) 4: Revisions to be done by the Supervisor. 5: Final meeting for discussion and signature. 6: Full process not to take more than one month. 7: Performance review shall not be used as a disciplinary tool. 8: Final copy of review to be sent to Human Resources for inclusion to the employees file. 9: Copies of the final review to be given to the employees supervisor and employee. PERFORMANCE FACTORS PROVIDE PERFORMANCE FACTORS CONSIDERING THE MAIN COMPONENTS IN THE INCUMBENT'S POSITION DESCRIPTION AS THEY APPLY TO YOUR AREA, OR USE THE FOLLOWING FACTORS: 1. JOB RELATED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS - understanding and applying knowledge and skills central to the main job functions 2. QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF WORK - maintaining acceptable standards and levels of work 3. COMMUNICATION - exchanging ideas and information both orally and in writing with others 4. PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING - analysing situations, evaluating alternatives, choosing and implementing a course of action 5. INITIATIVE - generating new ideas/concepts and taking independent action 6. ADAPTABILITY - adapting and responding appropriately to the demands of various situations 7. WORK RELATIONSHIPS - working effectively with others to achieve common goals (eg. teamwork) 8. CUSTOMER SERVICE - internal and external 9. SAFETY ISSUES - understands and follows required, approved safety practices PLEASE ASSESS THEM USING YOUR OWN RATING SCALE OR THE FOLLOWING SCALE AS A GUIDE: [ FS ] Fully Satisfactory - Fully meets job requirements and exceeds them in some areas [ A ] Acceptable/Improvement Desirable - Meets minimum job requirements but is capable of achieving more [ U ] Unsatisfactory - Does not meet job requirements, improvement is essential FACTOR #1: Job Related Knowledge and Skills RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT: FACTOR #2: Quality and Quantity of Work RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT: FACTOR #3: Communication RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT FACTOR #4: Problem Solving and Decision Making RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT FACTOR #5: Initiative RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT FACTOR #6: Adaptability RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT FACTOR #7: Work Relationships RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT FACTOR #8: Customer Service RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT FACTOR #9: Safety Issues RATING [ ] ASSESSMENT  CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS ON THIS PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN SUPERVISOR'S COMMENTS Supervisor's Signature Date: [ ] Please check if a supplementary Activities Report for the review period was requested of the employee and is attached to this performance review. EMPLOYEE'S COMMENTS Employee's Signature Date: My signature indicates that I have read and discussed the Performance Review and Development Plan with my Supervisor. [ ] Please check if supplementary comments regarding this assessment are attached.     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